Welcome to the home of the MapRender project. MapRender is a Java based map rendering software comparable to Mapnik.
Why use MapRender?
- Large compatibility with Mapnik XML (the Carto version of the German Openstreetmap Style acts as test reference)
- More flexibility and better configurability for the rendering process.
- Usage of the standard OSM Postgresql database
- Integrated support of other datasources like SRTM height data or KML files
- Easily expandable rendering pipeline with the possibility to implement new input datasources, output formats and layer filters.
- Platform independent rendering process which supports Linux and Windows. And basically all other platforms running Java.
- Better transparency of the rendering process through logging
Howto start?
The best way to start working with MapRender is the demo project. It does not require any prerequisites like installing a database and will basically run out of the box. You just need to download the current version of MapRender and follow the instructions.
Map examples:
If you want to have a look at some example maps rendered by MapRender you can find them here:
- Demo map: https://maps.wideportal.de/map/#map=demo
The demo map you will get when you complete the Howto run the demo project tuturial.
A very basic map of Karlsruhe in zoomlevel 12. - Standard map: https://maps.wideportal.de/map/#map=default
Basic map of the area around Karlsruhe rendered with the default German OSM-Stylesheet. This is the reference map for the renderer and should resemble the Mapnik-Map as close as possible. - Karlsruhe admin region highlight: https://maps.wideportal.de/map/#map=karlsruhe
This map shows a hightlight map of Karlsruhe and its admin regions combined with a soft Schummerung, demonstrating the cutout and shadow feature. - Nördlinger Ries crater map: https://maps.wideportal.de/map/#map=noerdlingen
This map displays the impact crater of the Nördlinger Ries as a false color image with textless height lines and Schummerung. Additionally rivers are included as the main source of erosion. - Ukraine map: https://maps.wideportal.de/map/#map=ukraine
Cutout map of Ukraine including height coloring and Schummerung, with main roads, train lines and pipelines in higher zoom levels. - World height data map: https://maps.wideportal.de/map/#map=world
World map with JAXA and GEBCO height data showing worldwide height coloring and Schummerung on land and ocean areas.