
Renders a shield like symbol with overlayed text. It can be applied to a point or a line.

Configuration options

Attribute Default value Allowed values Description
file String containing the relative path to the file The path to the texture file relative to the root folder given in theĀ symbols configuration.
placement point
dx 0
dy 0
fill #000000
size 10
wrap-width 0
line-spacing 0
margin 0
halo-fill #FFFFFF
halo-radius 0
opacity 1
text-opacity 1
spacing 0
repeat-distance 0
character-spacing 0
wrap-character ” ” (whitespace)



<ShieldSymbolizer file=”symbols/shields/trunk_[width]x[height]_z16.svg” fill=”#5f1c0c” size=”11″ line-spacing=”-1.65″ placement=”line” spacing=”760″ repeat-distance=”400″ margin=”40″ fontset-name=”fontset-0″><![CDATA[[refs]]]></ShieldSymbolizer> <ShieldSymbolizer file=”symbols/shields/tertiary_[width]x[height]_z16.svg” fill=”#552211″ size=”15″ opacity=”0.8″ line-spacing=”0″ placement=”line” spacing=”760″ repeat-distance=”400″ margin=”10″ fontset-name=”fontset-0″><![CDATA[[refs]]]></ShieldSymbolizer>